It has been more than a quarter of a century since our group first met and became the Devonport Branch of a wider group called the Genealogical Society of Tasmania. In 2000 the GST became known as the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. and in 2011 the Devonport Branch changed its name to the TFHS Inc. Mersey Branch. This change was made to more accurately reflect the region that our branch covers.
Our geographical region is bordered by Deloraine in the east and Penguin in the west. Our Branch Library is situated in the old Police residence at the back of the Post Office Reserve, Gilbert Street, the main street of Latrobe. We have over 100 members, some of whom live in other parts of Tasmania, on the mainland or overseas.
The years have seen many changes in the way research is carried out and hence the variety of resources we have acquired. Many of the founding members of the branch are still active members who enjoy sharing their experiences with those who have joined more recently. Library assistants & members continue to gather & index material pertaining to the district and State.
Access to newly gathered information is just one of the advantages of being a member of a group. A wealth of research experience and friendly advice from a wide variety of people, can make coming to a meeting or event or visiting our library, a most informative and enjoyable experience. See here for more information on joining the society.
Browse this site to see the variety of activities being undertaken by our branch. Dinners, bus trips to places of interest, day and evening gatherings and special celebrations are just some of the events that are organised by the committee.
To promote the study and research of the science of genealogy and family history through education, preservation and transcription of relevant records, and the writing and publishing of appropriate literature; to provide as a public service, reference libraries and associated learning opportunities; and do all such lawful things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the basic aims and objectives of the society.